As an accomplished Make Up Artist, Japan Certified Nail Technician, Internationally Certified Phibrows Artist and Korean Eyebrow Embroidery Artist, Luisa has built a reputation in the beauty industry for combining her inherent sense of beauty as a makeup artist with her precise approach to shaping brows. She is an expert at creating a full natural looking brow while sculpting the perfect eye arch. Luisa’s knowledge of cutting-edge techniques and products has proven to be invaluable to the beauty industry. At BrowSugar | Eyebrow Embroidery in Singapore, she is always expanding her services and keeps ahead of the learning curve, while maintaining a warm, friendly and professional disposition. Luisa has made a name for herself as the go-to artist for celebrities like Andrea De Cruz, Lim Pei Fen, Chen Ning, Nick Teo and Chase Tan.

“When you look beautiful you feel beautiful, it’s that kind of happiness I try to give to all my clients”,

Master Artist, Luisa.

Eyebrow Embroidery

Process at BrowSugar