Post-Microblading and Eyebrow Embroidery: 6 Things You Must Know

Eyebrow embroidery, often interchangeable with microblading these days, is a cosmetic procedure that can help you attain great eyebrows with a precise process that involves lightly scratching your skin with a blade studded with small, disposable needles. Inserting pigment into these tiny incisions creates the illusion of fine and realistic hairstrokes, and can be shaped to any style or thickness of your choice. While sparse and patchy eyebrows can be a thing of the past with the help of an experienced eyebrow artist, proper care and maintenance is needed to ensure the longevity of your eyebrows. In this article, we delve into the essential tips for your post-microblading phase – the foundation of which may determine if your eyebrows can proudly cross the one year mark.


Before we get into the details, it’s important to keep our expectations clear and acknowledge that microblading often lasts between one to two years. This can save you the fuss of drawing your brows semi-permanently, which is more permanent than having to wipe them away each night to draw them again the next morning; and at the same time, not long enough to have your eyebrows fall out of fashion with the rise and fall of distinct brow trends. Here’s a quick flashback with some well-acquainted eyebrow imagery: full and au naturel, plucked bare and super thin, bold and arched Western brows, linear and light Korean brows.

Do also keep in mind that the brows will look their darkest after the session before growing lighter again. This can be accompanied by some tenderisation and swelling, as well as scabbing. While this should take place for only approximately, the straightforward procedure usually also entails one extra touchup session to fill in any remaining gaps.

1. Cleanliness is Key

Post-Microblading and Eyebrow Embroidery: 6 Things You Must Know

As with any superficial injury, microbladed or eyebrow embroidered spots require a level of cleanliness to reduce the risks of infection or effects of inflammation. To wash, lightly rinse your brows with water and a mild antibacterial soap, careful not to use any forceful motions like rubbing that can damage the skin. Avoid harsh cleansing solutions that may also cause irritation and accelerate fading, such as ones containing exfoliants and acids. Always remember to pat dry after cleansing and before moisturising with a gentle fragrance-free lotion.

In order to maintain the hygiene surrounding the skin of your eyebrows, be mindful of easily neglected factors such as your eyebrows coming into contact with objects or even other parts of your body. If you have hair with a tendency to fall over your eyebrows, this might be a good time to clip them up and away from your face. You may also wish to change your pillowcase to a fresh one to ensure its cleanliness, or to go the extra mile, use a neck pillow to avoid any pressure or contact with the area.

2. Stay Away Rain and Shine

Eyebrow embroidery may be touted as not requiring any downtime, but several activities are best exempted from to ensure the condition of your eyebrows. This includes sports and strenuous exercises that can lead to perspiration, as well as activities like swimming, visiting the sauna, or even getting under the sun. Not only does moisture have the ability to remove the ink from the microblading, salt, too, plays a part when it comes to fading the results. In fact, saltwater is a natural method to break down the pigment from the procedure for those who wish to remove their embroidered brows.

It would almost feel like the elements are conspiring against you, once you learn that the sun also does more harm than good to your eyebrows. Sun exposure is said to affect the retention of pigment, so it goes without saying that tanning should be completely avoided as well. The good news is that all these activities can be resumed once your eyebrows have completely healed, which typically should only take about one month.

3. No Treatments or Makeup

Post-Microblading and Eyebrow Embroidery: 6 Things You Must Know

We have touched briefly on how acids and exfoliates can strip your skin of the ability to heal smoothly earlier, but there may be a couple more things to steer clear of for a speedy recovery to flawless eyebrows. Throughout the length of your post-microblading healing, it is best to postpone any appointments you have with your aesthetician for facials, dermal fillers and skin treatments. On your own, you may also want to put off applying makeup, or engaging in any bleaching, tinting and dyeing of your brows, as this could open the gateway to infections if not properly done. Furthermore, particles from these procedures that are deposited into your skin can impair its capacity to seal the pigment, leaving a less than optimal result from your microblading session. 

4. Hands Off

Be mentally prepared, as there may come a time when you have to fight with great fortitude the urge to scratch and pick at your new eyebrows. Due to the nature of the treatment, which calls for making minor incisions in your skin replicated as hair-like strokes, you will be left with the surface of your skin raw and sensitive much like a wound. The reparation of this damage can be itchy – leading to crusting, flaking or even peeling – but also indicates as a telltale sign that healing is in progress

Your first instinct would be to scratch but repressing this very basal urge begets results that aren’t just skin deep. Besides patchy results or scarring that might arise from fiddling with the wound, the bigger fear lies in infection, which could advance to increasingly problematic complications that affect other parts of your body. As such, it would be in your best interest to leave your eyebrows the way they are as they shed the layers naturally. Just sit back and watch them unveil the masterpiece you’ve paid and waited for.

5. Smoke Less, Drink More

Post-Microblading and Eyebrow Embroidery: 6 Things You Must Know

Multiple sources advise against smoking after eyebrow embroidery procedures as substances in both regular and electronic cigarettes can come in the way of your recovery. According to the World Health Organisation, smoking not only disrupts wound healing, but also compromises your immune system, making you more susceptible to infections. Smokers are therefore recommended to put off smoking for at least a week following microblading to allow recovery to take place fully and effectively. 

Conversely, keeping hydrated has been proven to speed up wound healing. Drink more water after your procedure, or even up to one day before for your body to support the quick and ready transportation of necessary nutrients to the recovering area. 

6. Listen to Your Brow Artist

While searching for answers online is the most convenient way to help you navigate the road to recovery, it’s not always the best – because if there’s anybody who understands the ins and outs of the craft most, it’s your brow tech. Whether it’s questions regarding microblading aftercare, or tips and tricks to preserving your brows at their fullest and darkest post-treatment, your eyebrow artist has the answer. Here at BrowSugar, we pride ourselves on delivering not only precise results and expertise, but also knowledge on how to care for and preserve perfectly sculpted eyebrows. 

Book your appointment with us to take a step towards fuss-free brows that accentuate your features today with insider tips and tricks to help you look your best!